AKIRA color guide drop is tomorrow, Thurs. 4/1, at 9AM PDT/12PM EDT! OTOMO + OLIFF!
Published on March 31, 2021
After three long years and countless requests...the time has finally arrived. Over 100 color guides from AKIRA will drop tomorrow, Thursday, April 1st, at 9AM PDT/12PM EDT!
Featuring Steve Oliff's beautifully colored (and often painted) pieces, and yes, RARE color samples from AKIRA creator KATSUHIRO OTOMO!
As these are among the last pieces from Steve's archives, the quality across the board is exceptionally high. As a bonus, the first 40 orders totaling $300 or more will receive a FREE signed 11"X17" color print (pictured below)!
A few notes about ordering:
1. Shipping is via insured USPS Priority Mail in the US ($20), USPS Express Mail to Canada ($50), and USPS Express Mail International to everywhere else ($70). You can combine shipping for multiple pieces.
2. Please note that submitting a request does not guarantee that the art will be available. Each request is time-stamped, and I process them all in the order they are received. If your page is available, you will receive payment instructions. If it is not, I will do my best to let you know ASAP. Generally speaking, if you do not hear from me within the hour, you are OK and will be receiving your payment instructions later in the evening.
3. While 99% of the previous sales' orders went off without a hitch, with over 100 pieces, there will be the inevitable hiccup. I apologize in advance!
4. To those who flaked on their orders last time, you are not welcome back and any new orders will be ignored. DO NOT PLACE AN ORDER UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO PAY FOR IT. Placing an order is a commitment to buy; it is not a placeholder. Do not order multiple pages to make sure you get something, with the intention of picking and choosing from what's available. I will cancel the entire order if that happens.
Refresh the UPDATES tab at the drop to see all the pieces at once. Time payment plans are available, please write me for approval before the drop. Thanks and good luck tomorrow!